VRChatのゲームワールドFate of the Irrblossがv2になって兵器の性能が変わったので情報を更新



Power ・・・電圧。艦体のPowerが全兵器の合計Powerを超える必要がある。
Shots Per Charge ・・・一度の攻撃で連射できる数
Charge time ・・・チャージ時間
Damage ・・・艦体へのダメージ
System Damage ・・・サブシステムへのダメージ
Critical Damage ・・・50%の確率で艦体に追加ダメージとサブシステムの修理速度を減少させます



Basic Laser118110
Burst Laser 11215110
Burst Laser 25418.5110
Piercer Mk12217.5101
Piercer Mk24319.3101
Basic Railbeam118110
Thermal Railbeam Mk14217110
Thermal Railbeam Mk26420110
Hull Railbeam Mk13218101
Hull Railbeam Mk25321101
Auto Laser116110
Upgraded Auto Laser514.5110
Extra Doubler53~621.5110
Heated Heavy Laser3117.5320
Heated Heavy Laser XL3119.5440
Heavy Hull Laser5116302
Heavy Hull Laser XL5118402
Heavy EM Laser3118.3330
Double Shocker5217.5030
Shield Breaker4128000
Pike Beam21~315110
Pike Beam Mk242~417110
Hull Beam62~825101
Missle Launcher2117220
System Missile4116140
Homing Missule Launcher5123321
Bomb Launcher3120031
Upgraded Bomb Launcher6123.5241
Antimatter Catalyzer3118221
Antimatter Catalyzer Mk25120421
Flak Cannon Mk132~418110
Flak Cannon Mk243~620110
Super Heated Flak42~420120
Super Heated Flak Mk253~622120
Grank’s Shocker2110.2030
The Void’s Choir74~830110
The Swarm7825110
Aether‘s Reloader7115110
The Baroc Gavel7332221
Cannon of the Reavers7130392
Balfagor’s Flak Cannon74~1028120



Basic Laser

Power : 1
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 8
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

A Shameful Attempt of making a useful weapon… but maybe worth it combined with others?

説明テキストにザコ兵器と記載があるが、上位互換のBurst Laser 1とほとんどDPSが変わらないので序盤では有能。むしろ小回りが利く分Burst Laser 1より使い勝手が良い。

Burst Laser 1

Power : 1
Shots per charge : 2
Charge time : 15
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

shoots twice per shot. probably more scary on an enemy ship.

シールドがあるとダメージを与えられないPike Beamとチャージ時間が同じなので、この兵器を発射してからPike Beamを発射するように調整すれば安心してウェポンを放置できる。

Burst Laser 2

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 4
Charge time : 18.5
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

upgraded version of the standard laser.


Piercer Mk1

Power : 2
Shots per charge : 2
Charge time : 17.5
Damage : 1
System Damage : 0
Hull Damage : 1

deals no system damage but slows down system repair speed..


Piercer Mk2

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 3
Charge time : 19.3
Damage : 1
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 1

deals no system damage but slows down system repair speed..


Basic Railbeam

Power : 1
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 8
Damage : 1
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 0

A very simple railbeam. the projectile has a chance to pass througe shields. when it does. it does it will only do damage to the targeted system.


Thermal Railbeam Mk1

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 2
Charge time : 17
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Fires a high velocity energy projectile. The projectile has chance to pass through shields. It will only damage the system if it does.

下位互換のBasic RailbeamよりDPSが低く性能が悪いので、単発兵器としても連射兵器としても中途半端。v2から要求Powerが上昇してさらに弱体化。BasicRailbeamを2つ搭載したほうが明らかに強い。

Thermal Railbeam Mk2

Power : 6
Shots per charge : 4
Charge time : 20
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Fires a high velocity energy projectile. the projectile has a chance to pass through shields. it will only damage the system if it does.


Hull Railbeam Mk1

Power : 3
Shots per charge : 2
Charge time : 18
Damage : 1
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 1

Fires a high velocity energy projectile. Deals no system damage but slows down repair speed. the projectile has achance to pass through shields. but will only deal damage if. it crits as well.


Hull Railbeam Mk2

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 3
Charge time : 21
Damage : 1
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 1

Fires a high velocity energy projectile. Deals no system damage but slows down repair speed. the projectile has achance to pass through shields. but will only deal damage if. it crits as well.


Auto Laser

Power : 1
Shots per Charge : 1
Charge time : 6
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Fires quick. but always at a random subsystem.


Upgraded Auto Laser

Power : 5
Shots per Charge : 1
Charge time : 4.5
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Fires quick. but always at a random subsystem.



Power : 3
Shots per charge : 2
Charge time : 18.5
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Has a chance to fire twice per shot. probably more scary on enemy ships.
(1発につき2回発射するチャンスがある。 おそらく敵の船の方が怖いでしょう)


Extra Doubler

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 3
Charge time : 21.5
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Has a chance to fire twice per shot. probably more scary on enemy ships.
(1発につき2回発射するチャンスがある。 おそらく敵の船の方が怖いでしょう)


Heated Heavy Laser

Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time 17.5
Damage : 3
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 0

Fires one high damage prohectle with high accuracy. impacts shields. deals signficant damage if there is no shield stopping the projectile deals extra damage on enemy sub systems.


Heated Heavy Laser XL

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 19.5
Damage : 4
System Damage : 4
Critical Damage : 0

Fires one high damage projectile with high accuracy. Impacts shields. Deals significant damage if there is no shield stopping the projectile. deals extra damage on enemy sub systems.


Heavy Hull Laser

Power : 3
Shots per Charge : 1
Charge time : 16
Damage : 3
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 2

Fires one high damage projectile with high accuracy. Impacts shields. Deals significant damage if there is no shield stopping the projectile. deals no system damage but slow down system repar speed.


Heavy Hull Laser XL

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 18
Damage : 4
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 2

Fires one high damage projectile with high accuracy. Impacts shields. Deals significant damage if there is no shield stopping the projectile. deals no system damage but slows down system.

Heavy Hull Laserと比較するとダメージが1しか上がっておらずコストに見合っていない印象。

Heavy EM Laser

Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time 18.3
Damage : 3
System Damage : 3
Critical Damage : 0

Fires one high damage projectile. Impacts shields and deals significant damage. A hit on active shelds will damage the enemy shield system.

同じ要求PowerのHeated Heavy Laserよりチャージがたった0.8秒長いだけでシステムへのダメージが1多い。さらに、このヘビーレーザーのみシールドに命中するとシールド1枚破壊しシールドシステムに1ダメージが入るので、ヘビーレーザーの中で最も使いやすい。


Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 11.2
Damage : 0
System Damage : 3
Critical Damage : 0

Does extra damage against subsystems. but no hull damage.


Double Shocker

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 2
Charge time : 17.5
Damage : 0
System Damage : 3
Critical Damage : 0

Does extra damage against subsystems. but no hull damage.


Shield Breaker

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 28
Damage : 0
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 0

Always hits. Takes out shields but does no damage to hull or subsystems.

チャージが長すぎるし発射も遅い。The Void’s Choir,The Baroc Gavel,Hull PikeBeamなどチャージが長い編成で組めば強い・・?敵が使う場合はシールドバッファを半減させてくる。バッファが奇数だと1つ多めに減少させられる。

Pike Beam

Power : 2
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 15
Damage : 2
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Can Damage 1-3. as long as there is no shield to stop it. can’t miss.

Damage : 2 System Damage 1と表記されているが実際は艦体とサブシステムに1~3のダメージ。シールドで防がれると全くダメージを与えられないが必中。プレイヤースキルに左右される兵器。

Pike Beam Mk2

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 17
Damage : 3
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Can damage 2-4. as long as there is no shield to stop it. can’t miss.

敵のシールドシステムが2メモリ以上あると攻撃中にシールドを展開する恐れがあるので、この場合PikeBeamはシールドシステムを攻撃するのが適切だけどMk2だと火力オーバーで損した気分になる。ビーム発射中でも攻撃先を変更できないこともないが操作は面倒。他の兵器がシールドを剥がさないと活用できないのでBomb LauncherやFlak Cannonなど必中兵器と併用したほうが良い。

Hull Beam

Power : 6
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 25
Damage : 3
System Damage : 0
Critical Damage : 1

Deals no system damage but slows down system repair speed .can damage 2-8 as long as there is noshield to stop it. cant miss.
(システムにダメージを与えませんが、システムの修復速度が遅くなります。それを止めるシールドがない限り、2〜8にダメージを与えることができます。 外さない)



Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 12
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 1

Requires a missile. Ignores Shields. slow down system repair speed.
(ミサイルが必要です。 シールドを無視します。 システムの修復速度が遅くなります。)


Missle Launcher

Power : 2
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 17
Damage : 2
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 0

Requires a missile. Ignores Shields.


System Missile

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 16
Damage : 1
System Damage : 4
Critical Damage : 0

Requires a missile. Ignores Shields. Deals high damage on subsystems.


Homing Missule Launcher

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 23
Damage : 3
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 1

Midified with a homing system. cant miss its target deals extra damage on both hull and subsytems. Requires a missile. Ignores shields.

Antimatter Catalyzer Mk2と比較するとチャージが3秒長い上にダメージも1低いので火力で劣るが必中で弾速も早い点からシールド破壊役として優れている。また、ミサイルのみ編成でボムランチャーなどの必中兵器で揃えればトラッカーレンズを装備する必要がなくなる。

Bomb Launcher

Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 20
Damage : 0
System Damage : 3
Critical Damage : 1

teleports a bomb into the targeted system. dealing damage and makes it repair slower. requires a missile. ignores shields and cant miss.
(標的のシステムに爆弾をテレポートします。 ダメージを与えると修復が遅くなります。 ミサイルが必要です。 シールドを無視して必ず命中します。)


Upgraded Bomb Launcher

Power : 6
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 23.5
Damage : 2
System Damage : 4
Critical Damage : 1

teleports a bomb into the targeted system. dealing damage and makes it repair slower. requires a missile. ignores shields and cant miss.
(標的のシステムに爆弾をテレポートします。 ダメージを与えると修復が遅くなります。 ミサイルが必要です。 シールドを無視して必ず命中します。)


Antimatter Catalyzer

Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 18
Damage : 2
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 1

uses a missle and transforms it into an antimatter charge. ignores shields but does little damage to subsystems.
(ミサイルを使用し、それをアンチマテリアルに変換します。 シールドを無視しますが、サブシステムにはほとんどダメージを与えません。)


Antimatter Catalyzer Mk2

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 20
Damage : 4
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 1

uses a missle and transforms it into an antimatter charge. ignores shields but does little damage to subsystems.
(ミサイルを使用し、それをアンチマテリアルに変換します。 シールドを無視しますが、サブシステムにはほとんどダメージを与えません。)


Flak Cannon Mk1

Power : 3
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 18
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

uses scrap metal when fired. hits random subsystems. damage between 2-4.

Shots per charge:1と表記されているけど実際はランダムなサブシステムに2~4発発射。シールドを一気に削ってくれるので、他の兵器が攻撃する起点にできる。スクラップは3ぐらい消費する。

Flak Cannon Mk2

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 20
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Uses scrap metal when fired. hits random subsystems. damage between 3-6.


Super Heated Flak

Power : 4
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 20
Damage : 1
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 0

Uses scrap metal when fired. hits random subsystems. damage between 2-4. Does extra damage on subsystems.


Super Heated Flak Mk2

Power : 5
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 22
Damage : 1
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 0

uses scrap metal when fired. hits random subsytems.damage between 3-6 does extra damage on subsystems.


Grank’s Shocker

Power : 2
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 10.2
Damage : 0
System Damage : 3
Critical Damage : 0

Granks modified shocker. Low cost and decent charge speed. Does extra damage against subsystems. But no hull damage.


The Void’s Choir

Power : 7
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 30
Damage : 7
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

A Powerful gift from the void whisperers that will help you on your journey. can damage 4-8. as long as there is no shield to stop it.


The Swarm

Power : 7
Shots per charge : 8
Charge time : 25
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Seems to be an auto laser that has been modified by the swarm. Fires plenty of shots. But cant be aimed at a specific target.


Aether‘s Reloader

Power : 7
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 15
Damage : 1
System Damage : 1
Critical Damage : 0

Constructed by the Arther Guard. This Lasers charge time gets reduced every time it fires all the way down to one second.

AETHER SPACEのセクターで入手できる。

The Baroc Gavel

Power : 7
Shots per charge : 3
Charge time : 32
Damage : 2
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 1

A modified Heavy Laser Given to you by the Baroc Alliance. Impacts shields. Deals significant damage if there is no shield stopping the projectile. Deals extra damage on hull and subsystems.

シールドがあると1発で1枚しか破壊できなくなったのでシールド破壊は期待できない。連射するので発射中にシールドを展開されても2発は当たるので、The Void’s Choirよりリスクは低い

Cannon of the Reavers

Power : 7
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 30
Damage : 3
System Damage : 9
Critical Damage : 2

Requires a missile a virus. Ignores shields. on impact the projectile releases a swarm of viruses. causing the targeted subsystem to take a major hit.


Balfagors Flak Cannon

Power : 7
Shots per charge : 1
Charge time : 28
Damage : 1
System Damage : 2
Critical Damage : 0

This balfagorian scrap cannon uses no scrap when fired. hits random subsystems. damage between 4-10 and deals bonus damage on subsystems.




Tracker Lens

Helps your cross-eyed weapons specialist to aim.


Weapon Preigniter

Start the round with all active weapons loaded and ready to fire.



Speeds up all weapon charge times by 13%


Increases the amount of scrap found when looting wrecked ships.


Missile Replicator

Weapons using missiles has a 40% chance to use a replicated missle instead of an original resource.


Shield Booster

Quicker shield buffer charge speed.

Medbay Nano Bots

All rooms slowly regens crew health. assuming the medbay is functioning.


Repair Robots

Spawns in 2 repair robots that will help you repair the ships systems. They can’t fix breaches or hull. shuts down when the ship is boarded.


Virus Firewall

A failed hack won’t result in your own ship getting hacked.


Electro Magnetic Defender

Has a 50% chance to remove incoming electro magnetic damage


Long Range Scanner

Reveals Stores. Stations and environmental threats in the sector.

Hull Repair Arm

Automatically repairs the ships hull by using salvaged scrap from a won battle.



Particle scrambler

Stops enemy crew from teleporting to the irrbloss,

Fire Suppression System

Takes out fires in rooms with a system in then. The suppression is triggered when the room takes damage from the fire.


Micro Repair Bots

Automatically repairs breaches in the hull.



Take a break and have some water. battles can wait!





  • Balfagor’s Flak Cannonは救難信号で7個の燃料を渡すと高確率で貰えます。
  • The Baroc Gavelは3セクター以降なら必ず貰えます
  • The Void’s Choirは会話の最後で下の選択肢「No」を選べば貰える可能性がある。
  • それ以外は常に上の選択肢で貰える可能性がある。


Aether SpaceAether‘s Reloader常に上の選択肢
Balfagors CradleBalfagor’s Flak Cannon救難信号
Ecclesistical VoidThe Void’s Choir最後に下の選択肢
Nautilu Cluster‘sThe Swarm常に上の選択肢
Krolms Hunt-NexusCannon of the Reavers常に上の選択肢
Alliance BordersThe Baroc Gavel常に上の選択肢
Abandoned Sectorなし
Outor Regionsなし
VRChat版 Fate of the Irrbloss v2 攻略 兵器一覧



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